Saturday 20 February 2010

turn the beet around

aren't they pretty? a bundle of beets.

this is a retro post from early summer, when a little visit to south melbourne market gave us these beets.

beet beet. sugar beet. sugar beet. bee-eeeeet.

cooked to be tender and sliced up all deliciously.

we took some straight round to an early summer bbq and delighted in their vinegary goodness.

pucker up!

look below! there's the beginnings of the stained red beet thumb from rubbing the skins off. hee.
don't breathe too deeply over the vinegar okay. it's a bit scary when it gets in your pipes.
aren't they lovely and velvety coloured in their jars, and there are a couple other little jars with diced beets too that would be fun to stir into goat's cheese and baby spinach salads i reckon. yum.

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