Wednesday, 6 January 2010

beaver street plum source

so say you are wandering the neighbourhood on your way to a rad thai restaurant to get the banquet option, like always, to overeat and try as many things delicious as you can, and the fiend and yourself come across a gutted house with a beautiful big and prolific plum tree in the front yard... what do you do?

well, the very next day you come back armed to the teeth with umbrella and greenbag and pretend not to look weird in the 30 degree heat with the umbrella. but then, you flip the umbrella to create a catch all, and strip those branches with an impressive and tidy guerilla action and pretty soon whistling away with nearly 3 kg of sweet little red fruits.

they are so yummy that you eat a few handfuls whilst flipping the stack of preserve books you seem to have somehow amassed of late. choose recipe based solely on which one doesn't
require you to pit the fruit first (c'mon they are tiny plums, there is no way i'm doing 3kg of pitting) and settle on Sally Wise's Plum Sauce from A Year in a Bottle. Or, as we call it, the Beaver Street Plum Source.

After snacking on some, there wasn't quote 3kg for the recipe so I had to throw in a couple apples. There are so many ingredients in this, so many lovely spices and bits, and the garlic. Oh the garlic. It didn't make nearly as much as promised, but was a supreme sauce. We ate it that night with roast potatoes done in duck fat (which likely deserves it's own rant) and lamb chops.

since this discovery, we have wandered our neighbourhood and found a stunning array of food growing over the backs of alleyways, the amount of big old fig trees around here is just awesome. grapes, lemons, nectarines on our street, apricots, crab apples, even a rampant zucchini that has draped over a fence. things are going to get good.

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