Wednesday 26 November 2008

Green Christmas!

Hurrah for Flynns and hurrah for them getting on board and being socially and environmentally on board for a recycled/handcrafted (or both together!) gift giving exercise!

I'm super excited to be doing this, and really hope it will become a tradition. Time these days is short and time spent making something special that someone will love is to be treasured. I'm thinking there'll be less gifts this year but more talk and ideas. For once, I feel like I'm ahead of the game, already making progress with a couple of projects, although there are so many ideas that I may well get overwhelmed. Eeeeee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh oh oh oh oh!
(you get to sing that bit)
I have "tagged" you
ne ne!!!

and yes hurrah for green Christmas
turns out its trendy ... oh oh!