So watch out beasties because the mint jelly is now lurking about!
but it unfortunately wasn't the most awesome mint jelly. but maybe because i don't love mint jelly? shut up. it was in the easy-get-started-type recipes, and anyway, we had a date for roast lamb the next day.
so here are some pretty picks of my strange coloured jelly, where i refused to use food colouring, and despite issues with pectin (powdered vs liquid) it set to a very reasonable state. instead of using the liquid pectin 'pouch' they had in the recipe (?!) i used about 6gm of powered jamsetta stuff. -side note: keen to also try the homemade pectin from lemon skins. wooooooo
look! this is my pretty new 'water bath canner' with a wacky name and not easy to say quickly. some people even like to call it a 'hot water bath canner'. c'mon you can't even make an acronym out of it.
i am sterilizing the jars. yes indeed.
now i am chopping the mint.
(the mint comes curtesy of the south melbourne markets. not just dim sims i tell you.)
(the mint comes curtesy of the south melbourne markets. not just dim sims i tell you.)
straining the mint! funky pants jelly bag. i am so specialised and awesome.
this how the hwbc looks on my stove. (i.e. excellent)