Wednesday, 15 July 2009

lemony delicious

i made slice. i never make slice.

and if i did it would probably be something chocolatey or cheesecakey.

then i saw this.
what a beautiful website! what a stunning, luring snack.

so it came to be that i was eating warm, not quite set slice at 9.30pm last night and loving it.

PS. it's true, the edge does go chewy and caramelly.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

update on the pickled garlic

it's yum! i wasn't sure it would be you know. because one of the jars mayn't have sealed properly and the cloves seemed to glow green internally. weirdos.

but we opened a non-green affected jar and included some on an antipasto platter with friends the other night to great acclaim. then next day worked some chopped into a nachos salsa. winner.